Portfolio first update
Uriel Haberman Browns Uriel Haberman Browns

Portfolio first update

A week and a half have gone by since opening the portfoilo and making the first trades. Obviously not much has changed, it really takes at least a month or 2 for significant time decay on the strategies we opened with, but overall the US markets haven’t had a good start of the year - with the nasdaq and S&P each down over 2%.

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Portfolio launch and first trades
Uriel Haberman Browns Uriel Haberman Browns

Portfolio launch and first trades

You can watch the whole webinar here, but long story short is I opened 2 positions which give me the potential to make $2k over the next 2 years with >75% probability, which are costing me $5.5k in margin requirement. So the return on margin is 36%/2 years = 18% annualized.

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Uriel Haberman Browns Uriel Haberman Browns

New portfolio guiding principles

I will focus on simple to understand, low maintenance options strategies for this portfolio which will make it very easy to calculate investment size and potential gains/losses. I will make the trades in real time at real prices via webinar, where I will talk through the position itself, including investment size, best/worst case, and what I will do if the stock goes against my position. Sign up for an invite link to the webinar.

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Uriel Haberman Browns Uriel Haberman Browns

Introducing the $100k Open Portfolio: A Teaching Tool for new Investors

I’m excited to announce the launch of the Beyond Stocks: $100k Open Portfolio! This portfolio is more than just a collection of trades—it’s a practical, hands-on teaching tool designed to show you how to navigate the world of options investing with confidence and clarity.

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